Restylane® / Juvederm® filler for mild, moderate and severe wrinkles/folds to restore volume and fullness to areas of the face, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (smile lines) and the jowls. Imagine your face is a balloon losing air as you age. Fillers are a sort of "air pump" filling wrinkles at rest (wrinkles that do not get better or worse with expressions). Knowing which filler is the best for an individual patient, where the correction is required, how much to use, and at what level to place the filler requires knowledge, skill and experience. Dr. Strong has the knowledge, skill and experience to assure the best cosmetic outcome for you.
No allergy testing is required before use. Restylane® and Juvederm® are made from hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the second layer of the skin, that along with collagen disappear with age, and wrinkles/ folds appear. Collagen was the first filler available, but only lasted an average of 3 months, whereas Restyane® and Juvederm® last 6-12 months. Results are instant and the only side effects we tend to see are mild redness and swelling at the injection site which lasts no more than 7 days and can be covered with make-up.
Restylane® and Juvederm® are free from animal proteins. This limits any risk of animal-based disease transmissions or development of allergic reactions to animal proteins.
For more information about Juvederm®, please visit the following website: