When you get a facial, a professional skin care specialist analyzes your skin, listens to your concerns and provides instruction on how to care for your skin, based on your skin type and needs. Facials
offer your skin health and wellness benefits.
Professional Cleansing
Facials use
creams and other remedies to provide a deep cleaning, which removes toxins from dirt, grease and pollution in the environment. If you have too much sebum, a natural substance which moisturizes your skin, skin problems such as acne and blackheads are likely to happen. The facial opens pores, removes dead skin and exfoliates to tighten and firm the skin.
Improved Circulation
Treatments help increase and restore circulation to the skin, meaning that there is more blood flow to the skin, which gets a healthy glow. Skin cells become nourished and hydrated, which reduces the appearance of dryness and wrinkles.
Slows Down Aging
Beyond cleansing facials, other treatments and innovations are available to provide suppler skin that appears more youthful. Dead and damaged skin is removed, collagen production is increased and healthy skin cell growth is encouraged.
Feeling Good
Facials offer emotional benefits to help you have peace of mind and relaxation. The treatments are soothing and meant to be enjoyable, which relieves stress.